On 30 August 2008 SK0UX The Kvarnberget Amateur Radio Society arranged a field day at their radio site north of Stockholm. This site can be described as a "ham´s wet dream" with its huge antennas and radio equipment for all frequency bands up to 24 GHz incl moonbounce capabilities. It was excellent weather conditions and I went there together with Sven, SM5LE.

As our main interest is in moonbounce operations we paid much attention to that field day activity. In the picture you can see Hans SM0MXO doing some adjustments on the 6 m dish.

More pictures incl. short videos from this great event can be seen
here. SK0UX has in year 2000 been described at ARRL´s web site http://www.arrl.org/news/features/2000/01/19/2/