This is the first page of my very first amateur radio logbook. My first amateur radio contact was with Anders SM5DOP answering my CQ on 144 MHz on 2 Nov 1971 (38 years ago). My QTH was Trångsund near and south of Stockholm. My equipment was a Heathkit HW17 transceiver with FM modulation and 10 W input transmit power. This transceiver with its superregenerative receiver was called "Blåslampa" in Swedish. The antenna was a Halo antenna. SM5DOP´s QTH was in Södermalm in Stockholm, so the distance was not very far between us.

Since many years my logbook is of course computerized. Now I am using the Ham Radio Delux logbook software developed by Simon HB9DRV. See some of the user interfaces above.

With the Ham Radio Delux logbook you can perform an analysis of the logbook content. Here is the link to where you can download a detailed analysis of my logbook since 26 December 1993: