Last year I bought an old transceiver, the Kenwood TS-430S, to be used in the shack at my No. 2 QTH in northern Sweden. For some time I have tried to find an advertisement for it from that time when the radio was new on the market. Then I was informed that 73 Magazine could be found at Internet Archive. 73 Magazine was published for more than 40 years, from 1960 to 2003. I tried to download the 1984 December issue and there the advertisement was. I also read in it the regular Never Say Die editorial by the the famous Wayne Green, W9NSD/1. The editorial was about the death of amateur radio. A popular concept to write about over the years. Luckily this has still not happen. Today there is an all time high population in the U.S., 700,000 hams!
I have a little archive in my iPad 2. The free iBooks app is a great tool for archiving and reading books, documents etc. . Below is a screen dump from part of my pdf archive using iBooks.