Conversation on the EME Logger with Howard G4CCH.
Conversation on the EME Logger with Zdenek OK1DFC.
This is a happy Sven SM5LE and Kjell SM0FOB (behind the camera) in my garage radio shack.
Update November 15 2008:
After achieving this funny goal I have dismantled my station and will take a definitive rest from this type of amateur radio activities. I do not find it funny to continue operation with this type of small station. You have to arrange skeds to have radio contacts. Otherwise no one will hear or see you on the PC screen. Performing a telegraphy contact is only possible with very big stations, typically a 8 meter dish station or larger. There are rather few stations in the world performing this type of radio hobby and sooner or later all the stations have contacted each other. Building a big station is very costly and for the high frequency bands you need for instance expensive instrumentation. Even my type of small station is rather costly to build. So, sorry to say, this type of radio hobby is not of the ordinary radio amateur category.
Congrats on your success with EME!!
73 de Jeff, KE9V
Congratulations on your recent EME success! Your efforts, to say the least, are exemplary along with your supporting team of ham radio operators.
How many man-hours of labor went into building your antenna?
Again congratulations and I'm looking forward to reading about your future EME successes.
Scot, KA3DRR
Well the set-up looks quite simple but it is not so easy to have it ready for operation. I have not worked so hard, just now and then. I started to build it three years ago. Shame on me that it took so long time :-). My pal Sven SM5LE helped me very much as he at the end got tired of that I was not ready with the set-up.