The weather station I installed some days ago - see my blog post here - is manufactured by the company Fine Offset Electronics in China. The type name is WH1080 or WH1081. I cannot see what the difference is beteen the two. So they are identical to my weather station with the type name Proove WP1400. On the manufacturer´s web site the pc control software can be downloaded. The version is 6.1.
The weather station software Weather Display has a lot of nice features, which I have started to dig into before buying it. I have succeeded to connect it to my weather station. See screen dumps above.
The software developer in New Zealand says:
Not only does it support a huge range of stations from all the major manufacturers but it's also stacked with features and options. These include real time, auto scale and graph history graphing, FTP of the weather data to your web page, pager and email notifications of extreme conditions, web download, Metar/ Synop emails, averages/extreme/climate/NOAA reports, web cam upload, grouped file uploads, FTP downloads, decoded metar download's, APRS output (internet and direct com port as well) ,WAP, direct web cam capture, animated web cam images, weatherdials, weather voice, weather answer phone, use of Dallas 1 wire sensors (such as lightning counter, solar sensor, barometer sensor and extra temperature/humidity sensors with any weather station), use a Labjack to add extra temperature or humidity sensor to your existing weather station (USB)... and lots more!
They also sell an add-on software called Weather Display Live. This software allows you to view live weather data over the web from your weather station in nearly real time.
The amateur radio club SK6EI in Skövde has the same weather station as I have and they have fully implemented the Weather Display software. Have a look here.