Mobile on the 6 m band

When preparing at home for my portable operation on Muskö island the 6 meter band opened. Therefore I brought with me an old mobile whip antenna for the 2 meter band. This type of antenna, a magnetic mount 5/8 lambda vetical also acts as an 1/4 lambda on the 6 meter band. This is my log excerpt:

As you may see in the log I had an excellent mobile QSO with LA9AKA in Tromsö in the very far north of Norway when leaving my portable QTH on Muskö island. This was my very first mobile QSO on the 6 meter band since Swedish PTT some years ago allowed ham radio in this band. This happened because of shut-down of analogue TV. I am happy to maybe have contributed a little to make this happen because of my former involvement in the development of terrestrial digital TV :-) The YouTube video clip below is a recording I made just after when finished my QSO with LA9AKA. It is LA9AKA having a QSO with YL2CP i Latvia on 50 MHz. The clips ends when I am driving into the road tunnel leaving Muskö island.
