Yesterday evening, June 8, it was time for the monthly NAC Tuesday contest, this time on 432 MHz. As on the NAC 144 MHz I choosed a location in the QTH locator square JO98. This time on the Muskö island. The island is connected to the mainland by a long road tunnel below (!) sea level in the Baltic sea.
I was active for only 2 hours. Not so many mosquitos this time and I heard the Corncrake bird (kornknarr) for the first time in my life. The conditions were not so good and the QTH, almost at sea level, is not so suitable for working UHF.
Musköbasen, one of the largest underground naval bases in the world was built on Muskö island during the cold war in the 60´s. Nowadays the the ship maintenace work is privatized and the Swedish Navy still have some activities there. The former navy center on Muskö is moved to Karlskrona in southestern Sweden. Photo credit Kockums AB.
I was active for only 2 hours. Not so many mosquitos this time and I heard the Corncrake bird (kornknarr) for the first time in my life. The conditions were not so good and the QTH, almost at sea level, is not so suitable for working UHF.
Musköbasen, one of the largest underground naval bases in the world was built on Muskö island during the cold war in the 60´s. Nowadays the the ship maintenace work is privatized and the Swedish Navy still have some activities there. The former navy center on Muskö is moved to Karlskrona in southestern Sweden. Photo credit Kockums AB.