While driving in the evening here up in northern Sweden on July 13th I suddenly heard packet signals on 145.825 MHz. I quickly changed my APRS frequency 144.800 MHz on the Kenwood TM-D700 to 145.825 MHz. On the control head screen the text "73´s from space" popped up. It was a status message from Enzo, IW0FKO in Italy. I sent him an email and asked him if he had transmiited via a satellite or the International Space Station (ISS)? He replied:
Good day Kjell !!!! Wow ! 2706 km from my QTH you are my first heard to this distance!
He told me that he has a Facebook blog dedicated to ISS. I also did receive from Enzo instructions how to set up my TM-D700 for ISS. I tried yesterday from my car without success. The ISS signals were too weak because of the very low elevation. I will try more from better QTH´s. My APRS satellite call is SM0FOB-10.
ISS live real time position can be seen at http://www.n2yo.com
ISS live real time position can be seen at http://www.n2yo.com
have you establish a I.S.S. contact after we last mail?
Remember, you are my only (and first)long radio contact via I.S.S. I'm much proud of your picture-confirm.
Enzo Guida IW0fko