The Ra 200 military transceiver

In northern Sweden the Defence Museum, Boden has quite a big collection of old and not so old military radios. The soldier above is properly dressed for a possible nuclear attack during the Cold War. His winter suit is appropriate for the northern  region. One radio manufactured during this dangerous time was the Swedish Ra 200. From 1958 2,000 Ra 200´s were delivered to the Swedish army by the company Standard Radio and Telefon AB.

This is the complete setup of the Ra 200, incl. the pedal operated generator, antennas etc.. Some years ago I had this complete radio setup. I used it on the 80 m cw band. It had a very characteristic sound on cw so many hams could instantely tell that it was a Ra 200 radio.

Here is a complete description of the Ra 200 made by SM7DLF. It is in Swedish. Try Google Translate for a  translation.


Unknown said…
Salve dove posso trovare il TM? mi basterebbe lo schema Chiaro del solo ricevitore,che per altro mi sembra molto bello e ben costruito.
i4vgg Giuliano
Unknown said…
Funkgerät der schwedischen Streitkräfte.
Frequenzbereich 2,0 - 8,0 MHz, Sender und Empfänger getrennt durchstimmbar (Duplexbetrieb möglich). Modulationsarten A1 und A3, Fernbesprechung möglich.
Sendeleistung 0,5 W bzw. 8 W, Anpassgerät für Stab- und Langdrahtantennen.
Für Sendeleistung 0,5 W (tragbarer Betrieb) erfolgt die Speisung aus NC-Sammlern mit insgesamt 7,2 V, Erzeugung der Anodenspannungen durch internen Transistor-Wechselrichter. Für Sendeleistung 8 W Speisung (8 V und 300 V) durch Handgenerator oder Netzgerät.