NAC 144 MHz August 2011

Yesterday evening the monthly Nordic Activity Contest was running on 144 MHz. I then made my car ready for the contest and drove up a nearby hill called Gruvberget in Boden. With an antenna on the car roof and a Yeasu FT-857D transceiver I was QRV for some hours. I was astonished to hear a Russian station and I was aware of that the station could be close to Barents Sea. And so it was. I did work RA1ZC in Zapolarny on CW with my call SM0FOB/2P. I also worked a few stations in Finland and some Swedish stations located south of my portable QTH in northern Sweden.

The excellent iPhone/iPod Touch app Maidenhead was used to see QTH locations on map and calculated distances and bearings. See screen dump above.

This is a video recording I made when the Finnish station OH8Z in Uleåborg also had a QSO with RA1ZC.

This is the portable 144/432 MHz antenna I used on the car roof. I think it is of a two element logperiodic design for each band. I bought it at the Friedrichhafen Hamvention five years ago.
