Receiving PJ4C Bonaire 2012

This morning before sunrise I did listen on QSOs with P4C Bonaire 2012 DXpedition. It was on the 80 m band. PJ4C was weak but readable using my G5RV antenna. Today sunrise here is at 08:16 and sunset at 13:11 UTC.

Bonaire in the Caribbean was part of Netherlands Antilles until the country´s dissolution on October 10, 2010, when the island (including the islet Klein Bonaire) became a special municipality within the country of the Netherlands.


PE4BAS, Bas said…
Interesting Kjell, indeed very weak signal. I would be stronger if you had a vertical available I think. I spoke with PJ4B today on 12m SSB. He was transmitting from the Radio Netherlands Relaystation site. I was transmitting on my 84m horizontal loop. I like that Kenwood of yours, nice radio...73, Bas
Congrats Bas working PJ4B! My G5RV radiates and receives straight up, so a vertical would be nice to have. I am just exploring what is possible to receive with a low height G5RV.
73 de Kjell, SM0FOB