Yesterday it was nice and warm up here in northern Sweden. Lisbeth, her grandchild Liz, Keeshond Pepita, Tibetan Terrier Totte and I went for a short ham radio field day visit on Seskarö Island. This annual field day between 3-5 August is arranged by Kalix Radio Club SK2HG. From my QTH in Boden as SM0FOB/2 it was a 150 km drive to the east near the boarder to Finland. We arrived in the afternoon. About 20 hams had already arrived on this first day. Among them also hams from Finland. The site is located very close to the Baltic Sea with a nice beach and camping facilities.
... Hamburgers are being prepared around the corner and one year old Liz is getting proper assistance with her dinner meal...
Dipole antennas were in place high up between trees with help of this air pumped "rifle". The red ammunition are attached to a fishing nylon line when fired.
Kalle, SM2K is preparing hamburgers at faster rate than a McDonald´s restaurant can do!
This nice guy is Mats, SA2AWO. He was a crew member of the ham radio expedition SE2EE earlier this year to the wreckage of the WWII Lancaster bomber Easy Elsie in Lapland. Read about this adventure here.
And this is me with the Baltic Sea in the background.
ln the "radio house" I met Mikael, SM2O. He is the proud owner of the Microbit 2.0 company manufacturing the famous Remoterig products. With them its possible to remotely control a complete ham radio station via Internet. Here Mikael is demonstrating how he remotely handles his Elecraft K3 transceiver plus PA and his SteppIR yagi incl. rotator via a wireless broadband Internet connection. The remote station is situated in his summer QTH, which can be sighted through the window ca. 500 m over the bay. The "K3 transceiver" in the photo consists of an empty K3 housing with a K3 front panel connected to a Remoterig unit. Read about the set-up here.
What a summer QTH Mikael has, as sighted from the field day "radio house"! I am jealous! He told me that reindeer and elks sometimes are visiting his house and huge salmons are common in his fishing nets. With my Nikon Coolpix P510 camera at full zoom (42x optical plus 2x digital zoom) I managed to capture his SteppIR yagi.
My last photo from Seskarö. The island is of great natural beauty in the northernmost part av Bay of Botnia about 90 km south of the Arctic Circle.
Many thanks goes to SK2HG hams for their great hospitality!