Ham Radio in Nature Reserve Åkerby

Visited, on September 8, the Åkerby nature reserve (KP05ow), located ca. 40 km NW from my SM2 QTH (KP05vs) in Boden in northern Sweden. The reserve is very small, only ca. 100x200 m. Maybe it is Sweden's smallest reserve. After ca. 1 km walk, through a partially windfall and sparse pine forest, the reserve was reached. The reserve is dense with trees and a small stream serves as a boorder line. I have visited this gem several times before, but without a radio. Now I took a chance to run the radio despite the dense woods. And it worked with the FT-817 5 W and the 8 m vertical antenna. Nine SM CW QSOs was the result on the 40 m band.

This nature reserve´s main attraction is in early summertime, when rare Lady's slipper and Noma orchids can be seen,

Orchid photos from previous visits are here:


and here: http://krysslistor.blogspot.se/2011/06/nornor.html


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