Result from the 60 m band

From the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) I got a permit to use the 60 m band for ham radio during January 23 to June 30 in 2013. See previous post here. Above is my log for this period showing my few QSOs and Skimmer stations reports. I never heard any North American station and no Skimmer station there reported my sigs. I was using an Elecraft KX3 transceiver (5-10 W) and a very low hanging G5RV antenna. My QTH is in northern Sweden (KP05vs) not so far from the Arctic Circle.

Note: The LA1... station above is LA1IC QRP. Distance is in km.

One week ago I bought a ca. 10 years old ICOM IC-746 100 W transceiver. It can transmit on the 60 m band, but the in-built automatic antenna tuner cannot be used on that band. Instead it is possible to use a separate manual antenna tuner. I first checked, with a 50 Ohm resistive load, that an output power of 100 W could be achieved.

I have now got a new fixed station permit from the PTS, October 17 to March 31, at my KP05vs QTH.

5.310-5.313 MHz
5.320-5.323 MHz
5.380-5.383 MHz
5.390-5.390 MHz

So on October 18 I checked my new rig connected to the G5RV antenna and with an output power set to ca. 50 W. No QSOs but Skimmer reports as below. I heard LA, G and OZ stations, but they were on frequencies not allowed for me to use.

I will soon hang up an end-loaded 1/4 wl wire for 60 m and with a 9:1 balun for a 50 Ohm coaxial feeder. It will be higher above ground than the G5RV and hopefully this will work better.
