Save and display QSL cards

I would say that "ending" a QSO by sending and receiving a QSL card is half the QSO. But today many prefer not to use QSL cards and instead confirming QSO´s on-line. For receiving many types of diplomas QSL cards are still needed. I like the paper format. Some cards are master pieces in design and other just contain necessary information. I think it is rather common for me and others that the cards are archived in shoe boxes etc. and then forgotten. Maybe a better way is to have them on display on a PC screen or in a digital photo frame.
This super small scanner is well suited for scanning QSL cards. It takes less than five seconds to scan one card. The files are saved on an ordinary memory card that can be put into a digital photo frame or into a PC for saving and possible editing or a slide show.

The scanner I am using is the Agfa Portable Photo Scanner AS1110.


PE4BAS, Bas said…
It's a nice idea. Unfortenately I have 5 shoe boxes full of QSL cards, it would take too much time to scan them all. I really need to sort them and scan only the most important ones. What software do you use to store them on the computer? Picasa?
73, Bas
Thanks comments from you Bas. You really have nice, good looking and exotic cards in your (e)QSL Gallery! I just made my QSL scanning because of nothing else to do and not so nice weather up here in the north. Temperatures last week on the plus side and outside it is slippery ice. The weather Gods have promised better weather coming weekend with normal temperatures around -20 C. The photo software I am using is FastStone (freeware). Congrats to your impressive MRussionresults in using WSPR and JT. Maybe I should try those modes too. I wish you a nice radio year 2014.
Kjell SM0FOB/2 (Boden KP05vs)
Bas, pse delete Mrussion in the text. It should not be there. It was typed by mistake when "Google" required this when submitting my replay :-)