Siglent SSA3032X Spectrum Analyzer Review and Experiments by Afrotechmods

Video below publicated on YouTube 31 March, 2017 

Afroman reviews Siglent's SSA3000X series spectrum analyzer and all the options. There is some RF information for beginners and usage experiments are also performed. Firmware version

==========TABLE OF CONTENTS========
0:00 Intro
0:33 Unboxing and discussion of inputs
1:24 Screen
1:59 Build quality, fan noise, user interface
5:35 AM and FM demodulation
6:18 Average noise measurements
9:11 Phase noise
9:46 Spurious readings and possible shielding issue
12:25 Amplitude accuracy
12:40 Tracking generator evaluation and experiments
15:35 Advanced measurement kit option
16:13 EasySpectrum software and EMI measurement option
17:47 Introduction to measuring antenna performance
19:30 Reflection measurement software and hardware experiment
21:35 Reflection bridge hardware directivity discussion
22:36 Limitations of directivity experiment
24:18 Final judgement and conclusion

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