Bought the November issue of CQ Magazine. This magazine is always one month late in Swedish magazine stores and the cost is almost tripled from 6 USD in the U.S.A. to 15 USD here. In this issue is a comprehensive article about JT65A modes: Communicating Under the Noise JT65A on HF - Part II by W6DTW and NW7US. With nothing special to do this afternoon up i northern Sweden, snowing and cold outside, I decided to do a receiving test and downloaded the JT65-HF software. After program set-up I did register on and started the map on As a receiver I did use my Yaesu FT-817 on 14.076 MHz. No physical connection between my MacBook and the FT-817, only high loudspeaker volume. You need to have an Internet connection. My antenna was the dog´s wire. After ca 15 minutes of decoding a DX was received, YV6BFE in Venezuela. The distance between us is 8,933 km.